Council Meeting - December 05, 2023
Mayor: Page Brown (PB)
District 1: Lynda Love (LL)
District 2: Eileen George (EG)
District 3: Pascal Jouvence (PJ)
District 4: Craig Hayes (CH)
District 5: Steven Carter (SC)
At Large: Shawn Fennel (SF)
At Large: Steve Fann (FA)
Duration: 1 Hour 47 Minutes
Item 4. Ordinance for rezoning and approval of Sunset Farm, high density R6-PRD and MU-Mixed Use District
Yes: 7 - LL / EG / CH / SC / SF / FA
No: 1 - PJ
Item 6. Ordinance for rezoning and approval of Bledsoe Springs Townhouses development, high density R6-PRD
Yes: 3 - EG / CH / SC
No: 4 - LL / PJ / SF / FA
Item 12. Ordinance for rezoning and approval of Hidden Creek, MU-Mixed Use District to PGC - Planned General Commercial
Yes: 7 - LL / EG / PJ / CH / SC / SF / FA
Item 14. Resolution to establish the Parks and Recreation Advising Director Position
Postponed for 6 months
Item 16. Resolution annexing 5.59 +/- acres north and south of Peach Valley Road and west of Highway 109
Yes: 6 - LL / EG / CH / SC / SF / FA
No: 1 - PJ