Council Meeting - May 16, 2023
District 1: Lynda Love (LL)
District 2: Eileen George (EG)
District 3: Pascal Jouvence (PJ)
District 4: Craig Hayes (CH)
District 5: Steven Carter (SC)
At Large: Shawn Fennel (SF)
At Large: Steve Fann (FA)
Duration: 39 Minutes
Item 1. Ordinance to provide revenue for the City of Gallatin for the 2023 tax year and 2024 fiscal year
Yes: 7 - LL / EG / PJ / CH / SC / SF / FA
No: 0
Item 6. Ordinance amending Gallatin Municipal Code Chapter 2, Article II, Division 4, Section 2-93 General Rules of Order
Yes: 6 - LL / EG / CH / SC / SF / FA
No: 1 - PJ
Item 8. Resolution approving amending City of Gallatin Charter Article III, Section 1; Articel VI, Section 2(a); Article VII, Section 1; Article X, Section 1, 2, 5, and 6
Yes: 6 - LL / EG / CH / SC / SF / FA
No: 1 - PJ
Item 10. Resolution appointing Craig Hayes to the Resource Authority in Sumner County, Tennessee
Yes: 6 - LL / EG / CH / SC / SF / FA
Abstain: 1 - PJ